Home Bible reflection Grace and Peace

Grace and Peace

by Esther Griggs

Looking at the apostle Paul’s letters, we discover his use of the following phrase in his greetings.

“Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.”

Rather than a flimsy, “hello, how are you?” this greeting instills truth and power. The word “grace” speaks of God showing favour to us. Grace enables a position of standing before God, which we have not earned. From the days of Noah, when he found “grace” or “favour” in the eyes of the Lord, to the days when the declaration was made:

“By grace are you saved through faith, not of yourselves lest anyone should boast.”,

we are invited into God’s presence. He desires to be in relationship with us. We have done nothing to deserve it. It is all grace. It is a gift from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

The second part “peace” as stated in John 14, is the very thing that Jesus promised to leave with His disciples. He tells them that it isn’t the kind that the world gives. No, we need not be troubled nor afraid for it is His peace that He gives us. It is the peace that comes from knowing Jesus, resting in the promise of His return, when struggling with His going away. His Holy Spirit provides peace as He abides in us. It is something that we will never understand. Peace guards our hearts and minds. It too is a gift from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

“Grace and peace” is not just a catchy greeting. Instead, these words provide a foundation on which we build our lives of praise to God, yes, a life of joy! Thanks be to God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ!

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